Elida Silvey

Poetry Editor + Writer


Focusing on the edges of emotion — teetering between memories, minuscule moments and half-made-up short stories — Elida Silvey focuses her work on the mundanity of love. Mixing her observations of living in-between cultures with her brazen love for the textures of life, she composes vignettes using the alphabet. Driven by her keen interests in music, film, fashion, photography and conceptual art, she pulls the underground textures of daily life into the foreground.

Elida is a Mexican-American writer, poet and language artist living in London, UK. Her self-published books HOME IN LIMBO and NOTHINGS explore visual poetry centered around those closest to her as an exploration of the effects love and longing have on identity. Apart from her freelance career, she works full-time as a Content Coordinator within the publishing industry.