Remedy Melodies 16: It Gets Better

Remedy Melodies, originally conceived by writer Daniela Bologna, is something like a lyrical advice column. Based on reader-submitted confessions, the Sunstroke team crafts a personalized playlist to lift, fit or change your mood.

Want Remedy Melodies for yourself? Tell us what’s on your mind — anonymous or not!

By Marie Figuereo

Artwork by Alex Ramos

From Sunstroke:


I really connected to your submission. In high school, I also felt a lot of social anxiety and something that really helped me to not be as affected was this: do you remember everything that everyone else said? Most people are so worried about how they’re coming across to remember the things others have said in vivid detail. Tripping up and saying something a bit embarrassing in the moment happens to everyone, but most people will not think any less of you for it, and if they do then they’re not great people to begin with. 

Putting yourself out there feels really vulnerable and scary, but the more you do, the more natural it will feel to do so. Kind and accepting people will be attracted to your openness and bright personality, allowing you to find even more genuine friendships. Channeling your emotions whether negative or positive can really help with avoiding an emotional explosion, and can also help you to re-connect to the person that you’re allowing yourself to be. This could be done through writing in a journal, making visual art or music, or getting more comfortable talking to friends about your thoughts. Even if you don’t always feel confident, try hyping yourself up and acknowledging the bad bitch that you are. 

Growing up queer is difficult enough, but trying to navigate an unwelcoming environment while queer and growing up doing like having to play on hard mode. It takes a long time for people to figure out who they are, especially when people are trying to decide for them. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself.  The moments right before you show your true self to others are some of the scariest, but the feeling you get after– regardless of how people react, are what makes you feel like you can take anything on. Keep being fearless. It does get better. ◆