Message in a Bottle

Photograph by Rachel Fleischman


A murmur heard from within 
Whispering between stomach and spleen 
Our lady of immaculate conception 
Trauma is proven contraception 
Against rebirth and steadfastness

This storm I intended to set out in 
Unsure of how to navigate
Anchored in my own body
No longer fighting the waves
Emotion teetering on insanity 

Unwind and lean in 
Ride the tides 
Drink salty sea foam 
From the shores of an ancestral home

Earth’s bountiful fresh fruit
Hydrate a dry mouth 
Sweet juice unstable, 
too can rot in the too hot sun

If only we could all lay
Under mycelium shade
All else feels alien and forced
Yet I too, am forced and alien
Now greeting myself in a voice
I’ll one day come to know