Remedy Melodies 13: Inhibited Ambitions

Remedy Melodies, originally conceived by writer Daniela Bologna, is something like a lyrical advice column. Based on reader-submitted confessions, the Sunstroke team crafts a personalized playlist to lift, fit or change your mood.

Want Remedy Melodies for yourself? Tell us what’s on your mind— anonymous or not!

By Irène Schrader


From Sunstroke:

I believe that feeling as if our world is stagnating while also spinning at an impossible pace represents a confusing, but important phase to go through in order to better know oneself in the long run. When our surroundings don't seem to match the same level of effervescence we experience inside, maintaining that energy can get tiring, or even make us deem it purposeless at times. The main advice I can give to stay motivated on whatever projects you're working on is to 'start doing' before you think too much about it. It's like a puzzle: start however small you'd like, and before you know it, you'll be tackling bigger pieces of the task that felt scarier at first.

If you feel as if there isn't enough work on, I would either find a new hobby/passion project — which is easier said than done — or try looking for short-term jobs (a little more money never hurts!). As for the crush, I would keep it light! Have fun with it, but don't forget to observe your feelings before making any impulsive moves. ◆