VOL. 4: Space Oddity | E-Issue

VOL. 4: Space Oddity | E-Issue


This is a digital version of Sunstroke’s 4th issue, Space Oddity.

Houston? We have an issue.

Sunstroke Magazine presents, Space Oddity.

Our fourth issue covering Generation Z going forward as a community following the 2020 global coronavirus pandemic, embracing solitude, and recreating our future. The issue is filled with photography, writing, and artwork by youth, for youth.

Jam packed with over 135 pages of photography, poetry, essays, illustrations, and designs, Space Oddity is a pristine culmination of Gen Z identities & aesthetics bundled up into an issue of galactic proportions like never before seen.

E-Book Information

After placing your order, you will receive an email with a downloadable link. The file is delivered as an EPUB format and should work on most all laptops, computers, phones, and e-readers. Download it to your iBooks and take it with you everywhere you go!

If you have any issues with delivery, feel free to reach out to us: hello@sunstrokemagazine.com.

How to download onto iBooks:

Make sure you have the iBooks app downloaded. Click the link in your email after purchasing, then click “Open in Books.” You should be directed to iBooks. Make sure you have enough storage; this is where many run into issues!

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